- - Eliza delivered an anencephalous child at term which died in thirty six hours.”
- Borborygmus - Stomach rumbling and gurgling sound caused by the movement of gas in the intestines. w
Canoodle - Hugging and kissing.g
It is a slang to embrace, kiss, fondle, pet, neck, caress
When two people are petting or necking, they are kissing each other in a sexual way
Fondle/ caress sb means to touch and move your hand gently to show love or affection
His fingers caressed the back of her neck
Idiom: Fooling /messing around with somebody means to have a sexual relationship with sb who is not your partner.h
She's been fooling around with a married man
canoodling and fooling around are not the same but very similar. If you are fooling around, you probably wont do it again.k
Cantankerous - Bad tempered or grumpy, difficult or irritating to deal with.d
Syn: cranky ; critical ; grouchy/grumpy ' dour ; pervish ; snappish ; ill-humored
cranky: getting angry easily, or rather means moody, changing the mood every 5 minutes out of nowhere. Sometimes it means when they wake up angry or frustrated which is also said " to get up on the wrong side of the bed"k
The kids are getting tired and a little cranky
grouchy/ grumpy: irritable, bad-tempered, complainer, lack of sleep
When your friend suggests a restaurant but you’re in a bad mood so you say “That’s a stupid restaurant” — even though you don’t really mind it — then you’re being grumpy, meaning irritable or grouchy.
There are all kinds of reasons for feeling grumpy: maybe you’re tired or annoyed or you have a headache. Whatever the cause, when you’re grumpy you just want to sulk in a corner. Even though it’s a negative word, it’s a pretty gentle one. When you're grumpy, you’re not mad or mean — you’re just unpleasant for the moment. But don’t tell someone who’s grumpy that he's being grumpy . . . He likely won’t respond kindly to that.h
Also" out of sorts" has the same meaning:k
Don't ask him today-he is out of sorts
h "out of humor" is a British idiom used in this meaning.k
Antonyms: easy-going ; happy ; nice ; patient
Crudivore - Someone who eats raw food.f
Also Carnivore is an animal that eats flesh or meat like dogs, cats, bears, lions...t
Most people are also carnivores except vegetarians
Doozy - Something really good which comes from the name of a flower daisy and means something that was particularly appealing or excellent.g
It also has other meanings, too:k
a) something that is difficult or overwhelming almost to the point of disturbance
Man, that history exam was a doozy! I think I failed
b) extra ordinary or bizarre
Look at those clothes! That one was a real doozy
C) a night filled with excessive drinking to the point that events of the said night are hazy and cannot be completely recalled
Remember last New Year? Me neither, it sure was a doozy
Fartlek - A training system for runners.g
It means to vary your speed of running. So when a coach says do 30 minutes of fartlek, he means run for 30 minutes alternating fast, slow, and medium speeds. You might jog for a few minutes then sprint for a hundred yards, then run at a medium speed for a few minutes, so do a fartlek workout
Flummox - To perplex or bewilder.f
words with similar meanings are: perplex - vex - stick - get - puzzle - mystify - baffle - beat - pose - bewilder - stupefy - amaze - dumbfound, discombobulate
This beats me
Got me- I don't know the answer
A vexing problem
This question really stuck me
Gobbledygook - Meaningless or nonsensical language.g
It means sth that is written or spoken in complicated and often unnecessary language which is not easily understand
The idiom used in this meaning is " It's all Greek to me"'. When computers became introduced and it was very difficult to work out what they did due to the fact that Greek is hard to understand, this expression was first used
For example You can use the gobbledygook or the idiom above to describe a lecture given by a leader because there is no way to know what in the world he is screaming about
Kerfuffle - A mild scandal, commotion or fuss.f
Jenny and Dave got into a bit of a kerfuffle last night
Klutz - A clumsy or foolish person, stupid.f
I dropped my tray and broke five plates. I'm such a klutz
Lickety-split - As quickly as possible, without delay.d
Lollygag - To dawdle or spend time aimlessly, loiter around, hang around, fool around, mess around.f
Mollycoddle - To overprotecting somebody so that you provide everything thus what he wants or spoiling him
Let's not mollycoddle our students
Pratfall - A fall on the buttocks or an embarrassing action.d
The motivational speaker started his speech with a pratfall speaking about the importance of getting back up
Rambunctious - Uncontrollably excitable or enrgitic
antonyms: quiet , shy , introverted .e
Shenanigan - Silly behavior.d
It has two senses: A0 reckless behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others
b) the use of tricks to deceive sb usually to extract money from them
- Skullduggery - Deception or trickery, doing naughty things.d
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